Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Flip-flops and Sari Silk

It's a long time since I've blogged. Six months, to be precise. There are many reasons for this, but I won't go into them just now. Instead, I am going to share with you my joyous record of the wedding of two of our best friends. They tied the knot with a very tiny ceremony in Leeds Town Hall, but their handcrafted big day took place in a barn in Derbyshire, a few days later. The boy was a groomsman and I was a bridesmaid. I also had the task of co-making their wedding cake. They created the most beautiful fusion wedding, taking inspiration and traditions from both western and Hindu wedding ceremonies. The day was full of so much love that I thought I might burst. I still grin every time I think about it. As, I am told, do they.