Sunday, 19 February 2012

Recent Happenings and a Bit of Good News

It's at times like these that the little things, seem huge. The beautiful flowers from my parents, which lasted for weeks. Notes on pretty postcards, found tucked into the bed. The freshness of snow after two stuffy nights in A&E. Laughing our heads off when my Mum spilled a whole tin of paint on the bathroom floor. Cozy cups of coffee with my family squeezed around a little formica table. Our Valentine's cards sitting next to each other on the drawers beside the bed. The Ginge telling me that this is the most relaxed he has seen me in months and knowing that it's true. The messages and comments of concern and support that I have received from family, friends and from you lovely people who read my blog. It has actually been quite overwhelming and so very appreciated. Thank you so much! I have also had some really good news to celebrate - I got my first choice job for my first year of work and I couldn't be more thrilled. The long and short of it is that things are definitely on the up! It's a beautiful day outside; bright, milky sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. I've got that soaring feeling - I hope you have too. 


  1. Such lovely thoughts. So glad that things have started to look up for you! Hope you have had a happy weekend!

  2. Oh fantastic news! Well done you! But i don't think i'd have been so happy about that paint spill! I once dropped a whole can of royal blue paint on the bus, it went everywhere, even up passengers legs!

  3. Congratulations lady! So happy to hear things are looking up - despite the spilled paint! And yay for the sunshine!!

    Cat xxx

  4. Well done Naomi, so pleased that things have taken a turn for the better!
    Katie x

  5. Great news, lovely choice of cards, I gasped at the paint on the floor shot!

  6. i've just stumbled upon your blog. it's so very lovely! congratulations on your job placement. my husband is a first year resident here in the u.s. it is so nice to see a someone in the medical profession pursuing the beauty in life rather than medical textbooks all of the time. xx

    1. Welcome, Marci! I am so pleased that you have found and enjoyed my blog and that it has in turn led me to yours. Xx

  7. Thank you to all you wonderful ladies. Each and everyone has made me smile - I love blogland! Just to reassure those of you concerned about the paint, it did come up very easily with a mop, Plus, we are soon to replace everything in the bathroom anyway, so it really was funny rather than stressful. Xx

  8. Congrats on getting your first choice!

    P.S. I love the photography on your blog - very nice.

    1. Thank you so much for your congratulations and lovely comment - what a lovely surprise! Xx


I love to read your comments & hope you have a lovely day!